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Error while working with Front
and ways to solve them

The receipt is not printed when paying

Cause: Issues with a zero price item (package).

Solution: Check all the dishes in the order and remove the item with a zero price from the order. (the problem should go away on 08/20/21)           

Cause: Two or more software is open on one terminal.

Solution:  You must close all additional sessions and leave only one open  Jetti-front.  

Reason: The software did not connect to the fiscal registrar.

Solution: make sure that all receipts for other orders are not printed, then reboot the operating system and re-enter the front software.

There is no dish in the order (dash)

Reason: The nomenclature is missing in the price list of your outlet. Either this is an old dish that we no longer sell, or it is a new dish (special offer) that has not yet been included in your menu.

Solution: If the old one, contact the CC operators, they will have to delete this one and create a new order after calling the guest. If a new dish, then contact the person responsible for the establishment of the item in the system, in your business.

Прочерк вместо блюда.png

All data on Front (orders, menu, checkout) has disappeared, a new item (promotion) should appear, but it is not yet available

Reason: the settings in SETTINGS - Cash desk settings.

Solution: go to the front in the Settings / Updates section and click the Sync Data button.

Экран обновлений_4x.png

Error while printing a receipt

Reason: the amount for the dishes does not match the total amount of the order

Solution: write about the problem to the JettiFront channel in Tims, indicating the name of the TT and the order number, or leave a request in the Help Desk, attaching all the initial data.

Ошибка при печати чека 2.png

Tasks that Front solves

It is used to create orders at a point of sale, print fiscal receipts, perform service and office operations, as well as view operational indicators of ATT work within a shift.

Main functions:

  • viewing operational indicators (data on orders, on receipts and the average value for an order at the current cash point);

  • viewing a report on cash register shifts;

  • formation of a stop list;

  • performance of service operations at the request of UTT;

  • creating and working with an order (editing, deleting, transferring from status to status);

  • adding a problem to the order;

  • adding a comment to the order;

  • courier appointment (for orders with delivery type "delivery");

  • invoice printing;

  • entering a promo code (discounts);

  • setting the time for the readiness / delivery of the order, as well as the time indicator;

  • selection of the type of payment and combination of several types of payment in one check;

  • refund;

  • recalculation of the order accepted at the outlet;

  • saving the accepted order in the history of TT orders;

  • search for orders using filters;

  • work with a group of orders (assigning a courier, adding a comment, translating by status).

Задачи которые решает Front
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