Sending SMS confirmations
Provider - TurboSMS
Example of a message - accept your request! Ochіkuєmo you about% deliveryDate% Behind the address% address%. If you have any power supply, call 0800-330-053
% address% is the address of the restaurant.
We take the address from the field “Address in the receipt” or “Address for SMS in the Additional TT parameters operation.
The message template is configured in FS, in the retail network, the collection - SMSTemplates:
If in the template% address% - the address for SMS is substituted, if% outletAddress% is in the check
For MT, we use the address in the check, for SM - the address for SMS.
Example of SMS via MT:
SMS example:
If for the current order, the phone number in the CPM will be highlighted in red, if there is a mark “forever” in the guest's card, then the “do not call back” flag will be set:
To check the sending of a message to the guest, you can find a record about this in FS, in the ClientInteractionHistory collection, by searching for the order ID -
To send SMS from CPM, you must press the send button:
When sending SMS confirmation from CRM, a window with the sending message will appear:
When re-sending, a message will appear stating that the SMS has already been sent:
Conditions under which the button for sending SMS from CPM is available:
a) the order has been saved (with a button with a floppy disk)
b) status> = NEW
Telephony, which is used to send SMS by a certain brand (RetailNetwork), is indicated in the directory "Retail chains" in Jetty
For example, SMS center is used for HS.
Since there may be different CC phone numbers for different cities (business regions), the “CC phone number” field has been entered in the Business Regions directory, which will be used to compose a message template: