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Glass Buildings

Directory "Contractors"

Contains a list of all counterparties with whom the legal entities of the company have or had any financial and contractual relationship.


The item of the directory "Contractors" is the following:

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Fillable document fields

  • date - The date the document was entered into the Jetti system 

  • code (auto) - Automatically assigned a code to the document

  • description - Description of the item 

  • company - The legal entity with which the interaction is carried out 

  • kind  - Counterparty type. Selected from the list and can have the following values:

    • Legal entity (legal entity)

    • Individual (natural person)

    • IndPred (individual entrepreneur)

    • Nerez (non-resident)

    • Separate subdivision

  • FullName  - Full name of the counterparty

  • Departament  - Division of the organization

  • Client  - The field in the form of a "tick", put in the event that the counterparty is a client

  • Supplier -  The field in the form of a "tick", put in the event that the counterparty is a supplier

  • isInternal - The field in the form of a "checkmark", put in the event that the counterparty is an internal client or supplier

  • AddressShipping  - Address of the recipient

  • AddressBilling  - Counterparty details for invoicing

  • Phone  - Counterparty phone number

  • Manager - An employee of the organization who manages the counterparty

Info field

  • Contains information in the form of a comment to the operation, for example, about the interaction of Jetti.Finance with external systems. 

Drop-down list

  • Contains additional information related to the counterparty

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