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Glass Buildings

Purchase of services

In the subsection, all analytics are entered and operations related to the acquisition of services for the company's divisions are carried out.

The main document of this subsection in procurement:

  • Receipt of services.

Поступление услуг.png

Fillable document fields

  • date - The date the document was entered into the Jetti system 

  • code (auto) - Automatically assigned a code to the document 

  • company - The legal entity for which the operation is carried out 

  • Group - The group to which the document belongs 

  • Operation - Operation type "Price history for goods receipts" 

  • Amount  - The amount of the transaction

  • Cur - Transaction currency 

  • Subdivision  -  The department to which the procurement of services belongs is selected

  • Provider  - Supplier name

  • Supplier contract  - Number and date of the contract with the supplier

  • payment date  - Dates of payment to the supplier

  • Document number - Number of the document received from the supplier

  • Document Date - The date of the document received from the vendor

  • Document received - A "checkmark" field, affixed by the responsible officer when the original document has been received.

Dot Pattern

Tabular section "List of expenses"

  • List of expense items by department, categorized by expense items and expense analytics.

Info field

  • Contains information in the form of a comment to the operation, for example, the contact details of the supplier's accountant, as well as other additional information to the operation

Drop-down list

Additional info

Contains 2 additional fields:

  • User

  • Parent [Types.Document]

Register movements

This part of the document consists of 4 subsections, which contains information:

  • Settlements with suppliers

  • Assets / Liabilities

  • Intercompany

  • Income / Expenses


This section contains information about the changes made to the document.



This part contains additional attached files related to the operation, for example, scanned copies of paper documents.

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