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Корзина покупок


The section "Procurements" allows you to keep management records of purchases of goods and services from various suppliers. This includes the following information:

  • Purchase of goods;

  • Purchase of services;

  • Reconciliation statements with suppliers;

  • Supplier registers;

  • Registration of planned purchase prices;

  • Directory "Contractors";

  • Directory "Contracts of the counterparty";

  • Directory "Bank accounts of the counterparty"

The composition of the "Procurement" section is shown in this figure


Opening a subsection

When you open a subsection, by default, user is selected and documents are filtered by the selected author.

If the user did not create documents in the subsection, the list will be empty.

To display all documents, you must delete the selected user.

Working with subsections

The subsections display information in the form of a list of records that relate to a particular species. For example, in the subsection "Purchase of goods" documents are displayed that relate specifically to the purchase of goods.

Element control buttons

Create document

Open selected document

Create a new document by copying the selection

Post document

Cancel document posting

Delete document

Элементы навигации
Быстроходный катер

Navigation buttons

Refresh the page

First page
Go to the first page

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Go to the previous page

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Go to the next page

Go to the last page

Filtering and sorting
information in subsection

Select from the list

Open the item specified in the field

Clear field


by user
and companies

Items in a subsection can be filtered by user and organization by entering data in the specified fields.

For example, we decided to filter the information in the subsection by user, for this in the field "Select user" we start to enter the last name or first name and a list of match options appears under the field, from which we select the one of interest.

The second option for choosing a user is to click on the "Magnifier" icon, after which a window will appear in which, through the folder navigation, you can find the user of interest. After selecting a user, a list of items created by that user will be displayed.

Quick filter

The system has a quick filter function, for this you need to move the mouse over the desired line with the desired value in the column and press the right mouse button.

Select “Quick filter” from the drop-down menu.

On the next screen, there will be all the elements in which the required value will be in the corresponding column.

The quick filter can be applied one by one across several columns


Filter in the header of the graph

Each column in the header contains fields with the help of which you can select information.

There are 3 types of display for filtering:

1.Using a field of type "checkbox"

If the field is empty, all records are displayed in the list.

Field state changes by default

If the field is checked, then all records with the checkbox are displayed.  

1st click on the field - the checkbox is set

If a "cross" is displayed in the field, all records are displayed without a check mark.

2nd click on the field - a cross is set 


2. A string field without control buttons

If the column has a date-time value, then when you click on the field, a calendar appears in the drop-down window. A range of dates is selected in the calendar.

The range is selected as follows:

The first click on the date sets the range from the selected date to the current date.

The second click sets the period between the selected dates.

3. Display of conducted and non-conducted


All 3 types do not show deleted entries. To display deleted records, use the "eye" flag in the upper right corner

Супермаркет Тележки

Purchase of goods

In the subsection, all analytics are entered and operations related to the purchase of goods for the company's divisions are carried out.

The main documents of this subsection in procurement:

  • Returning goods to a supplier

  • Return of goods to the supplier (through ANOTHER organization)

  • Price history for goods receipts

  • Receipt of goods

  • Goods receipt (through ANOTHER organization)

Приобретение товаров
Glass Buildings

"Returning goods to supplier"

Возврат поствщиков
Руки на плате управления

Document control buttons

Post & Close
Swipe and close document

Post document

Cancel document posting

Save documents

Create a new copy document

Delete document

Fillable document fields

  • date - The date the document was entered into the Jetti system 

  • code (auto) - Automatically assigned a code to the document 

  • company - The legal entity for which the operation is carried out 

  • Group - The group to which the document belongs 

  • Operation - Operation type "Price history for goods receipts" 

  • Amount - The amount of the transaction 

  • Cur - Transaction currency 

  • Supplier -  Supplier name 

  • Warehouse - Warehouse from which goods are returned 

  • Division -  Department to which the warehouse belongs 

  • Supplier agreement - Number and date of the supplier agreement 

  • Payment Date - Date of payment for goods 

  • Document number - Number of the document received from the supplier 

  • Document Date - The date of the document received from the vendor 

  • Original received - A "checkmark" field, affixed by the responsible officer when the original document has been received. 

Tabular section "Products"

  • List of items that are returned to the supplier

Info field

  • Contains information in the form of a comment to the operation, for example, about the interaction of Jetti.Finance with external systems. 

Drop-down list

Additional info

Contains 2 additional fields:

  • User

  • Parent [Types.Document]

Additional fields

Contains 3 additional fields:

  • Exchange version

  • Date of change (exchange)

  • User (exchange)

Register movements

This part of the document consists of 3 subsections, which contains information about:

  • Settlements with suppliers

  • Assets / Liabilities

  • Goods in warehouses


This section contains information about the changes made to the document.

  • Settlements with suppliers

  • Assets / Liabilities

  • Goods in warehouses

Glass Buildings

"Returning goods to a supplier through another organization"

This document is similar to Returning Goods to Supplier. The only difference is in the part of the drop-down list.

Register movements

This part of the document consists of 5 subsections, which contains information on:

  • Settlements with suppliers

  • Assets / Liabilities

  • Intercompany

  • Goods in warehouses

  • Counterparty prices

Register movements 2_edited.jpg
Возврат товаров поставщику через другую организцию
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